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The Sheffield culture guide written by in-the-know locals

The Hum of Words Beneath our Feet: A Poetry Show from Change the Word

A bold new global poetry show for our new times.

Join Migration Matters for a unique poetry show featuring Good Chance’s Change the Word collectives from Sheffield and Coventry, performing together in a premiere.

New poets from all over the world – DRC, Ethiopia, Guyana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Pakistan, Sudan, UK – put their bold new writing centre-stage. Interweaving ideas of journeying, memory and home, they present a new work for our new times. They explore what it means to be separate, to be connected and, ultimately, to find hope.

Bring a cup of tea and come along as we plant our feet firmly on the ground – connected from afar – to feel the words hum.

Get to know the Sheffield Change the Word Collective in our Meet the Locals interview.

Register in advance – this event includes interactive elements, which will only be available to those attending via Zoom.

Or watch without interaction below during/after the live stream.

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